Thursday, February 28, 2008
Health and Wellness MLM Leads the Way
In my personal experience the most rewarding is when I hear how someone was able to change their health for the better. It is probably because I have lived through my own health challenges so I know that if you do not have your health you have nothing!
Check out my wellness blog to get the full story!
Live Great!
Mary T
Friday, February 22, 2008
4 Qualifications A MLM Business Builder Needs
Let's be honest the business builder is the prospects we are all trying to attract to us. Most dream about that person who signs up in their business eager to start building their own. The occurrence of finding this person is the exception not the rule. It is just the law of averages. The fact is if you make a point to attract enough people the business builders will come out of the wood work.
The average industry results are that 20% percent of the people you sponsor will be the business builders. The remaining 80% will consume the products but not really do anything with the business. The 20% that are the business builders will help manage the other 80% that are product users.
The next question to answer is what qualifies someone as a business builder? There are many clues to let you know whether or not someone is going to build a great organization or if they are going to suck the very life from you. It is very important to notice these traits right away.
If someone joins and does nothing but call you several times a day complaining and venting it is someone you need to put in their place or simply let go. It is not worth your time and energy to groom a dependent. You are looking for someone who is independent and takes action first and then asks you questions based on their results.
The four qualifications you want in a business builder are:
1. They need to have a burning desire and passion to change where they are at in their life.
This is an important trait for your business builder to have. They need to have a big WHY. The legendary Jim Rohn says that, "When the why is big enough the how is easy." The MLM business has its rocks in the road just like any other traditional business but the rewards are so much higher. It is important to have that burning desire to keep on the bumpy road until it smoothes out.
2. Be committed to putting in a minimum of 20 hours per week working the business.
If you were to go get a part time job anywhere you would probably work at least 20 hours a week. If you are serious about wanting to grow your business a 20 hour minimum work week confirms that.
3. They are willing to commit to learning and application.
Many times I have heard the statement; if you are not growing you are dying. This is very true in your MLM business as well. You want to make sure the business builder is taking time to learn new things and taking the time to apply them. The beauty is that they can learn while they earn!
4. Finally this person is willing to invest some money to grow their business.
If someone is willing to invest some money into their business you know that they have a higher commitment level. They are willing to risk a little to gain a lot. The part of this business that many people seem to forget about is the marketing. Marketing can and should be done in many ways. You should use the free methods along with the paid methods.
These qualifications should help you as you sort through your prospects and qualify them as recruits. Some people may start out as customers and then have a life change that transforms them into business builders. If you would like to find out more about how to attract more business builders to your MLM business click on the link in the resource box for more information.
Copyright © Mary Thayer
"Learn More About A MLM Technique That Will Generate Cash For Your Business Even If Nobody Joins Your Company! It Even Generates Red-Hot Targeted Prospects At The Same Time, Who Ask YOU How They Can Join YOUR Network Marketing Business!
Visit to learn more.
Check Out My Blog to Get to Know Me!
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Sunday, February 17, 2008
How to Choose the Best Wellness MLM Network Marketing Business
There are two very essential factors you must research before you get started.
1- The product line.
2- The business.
First thing to consider is the products. You want to make sure you will want to recommend them to anyone. It is vital that you can see and feel the results yourself. You also want to know what other people have experienced using them.
The products quality and ingredients are considerations to be aware of. How they are manufactured and distributed are another item to consider.
Another point to consider about the products is their uniqueness. Since there are so many choices on the market what makes this company’s merchandise unique. Does the company have patents on their products? If the time and effort has been taken to file a patent on a product it is a good indicator of quality and contents.
Is the product line easy for anyone to figure out what they need? Some companies have so many choices it is difficult for the customers to know what to take. You might want to consider this before you take on that responsibility in business.
The business you will be representing is the second key you must research thoroughly. If it is a new start up company realize that you take the risk that it will be gone within the first five years at any time. That is just the law of averages. Those that have a track record of 5-10 years or more are much more likely to be around for awhile.
Make sure the compensation plan is equal to your best efforts. If it takes more than 500 people in your organization for you to earn $10,000.00 a month or more based on a reasonable monthly purchase you may want to leave that business alone.
Other compensation issues to consider is; does it payout at least 50% of all sales, is there unlimited depth within the compensation on customers, are there other rewards and recognition, and are there fast start bonuses.
Take some time to research the best wellness MLM Network Marketing business. It is said to be the next trillion dollar industry so it is the perfect place to be. You want to make sure you pick the best so you can be taken care of for years to come! If you want to find out information on a wellness business that meets and exceeds all these criteria check out the resource box for more information.
Copyright © Mary Thayer
The MLM Network Marketing Wellness Business that has it all!
Friday, February 15, 2008
5 MLM Lessons from a Babe
It is really amazing what children can teach us without really even being able to talk clearly. Every day I learn something new or a lesson from my past is brought up again from my kids. This is mainly MLM lessons from my two year old!
Lesson #1 Don’t Ever, Ever Give Up!
This is something my two year old teaches me daily. She knows that she is two when we ask her but she has not been able to master showing she is two with her fingers. Today she did it in a creative way using her forefinger and her pinky. She still tries to do the bunny ears two. She will have me show her time and time again. Sometimes I even catch her practicing on her own. She has not given up yet and she keeps getting closer each time she tries.
This is so true in your MLM business as well. It is ridiculous to think that you will be able to create a huge down line with no previous experience. It will take lots of practice. You will also find your own creative ways to find successes along the way. As long as you keep trying and learning from those who have done it already you will get there!
Lesson # 2 Say “I do it” several times a day.
My two year old says this many times a day. She wants to take more responsibility each day. She wants to put her own clothes on. Sometimes they look a little funny but she is able to get them on. She is adamant about learning through doing. She does not want to watch. She wants to try it herself. Sometimes she can do it and other times she ends up asking for help.
In your MLM business you need the “I do it” mentality. Your mentors and leaders can only teach you so much. The rest has to come from real life experience. Sometimes you will get stuck and need to ask for help. That is OK. You will learn more by applying yourself. Learn from your mistakes and grow is a fact of life. It seems like adults seem to forget that very important life concept!
Lesson # 3 when you throw a fit get over it with a cookie!
My two year old can throw a fit with the best of them. She will get instantly mad if something does not go her way. She has always thrown quite dramatic fits. The beautiful thing about her fits are that she gets over it and forgets. She does not mope around and complain. She moves on to the next thing. She is also learning that throwing a fit does not really get her anywhere and they are becoming less frequent.
This is priceless advice for your growing MLM business. Sometimes things will go badly. It is just a fact of life. If you need to throw a fit, make it quick and then get over it. No good will come from you moaning and groaning about what went wrong for the next month. As an adult we can learn from these experiences and grow. In life you will always be thrown curves in the road. It is not until you learn how to react to them appropriately that you will grow as a person!
Lesson # 4 Smile and laugh all day long!
My two year old is so full of life. She is a very happy little girl. She loves to laugh and have fun. Her smile and laugh can light up a room. It truly is contagious.
In your MLM business remember your team will catch your mood. Make it light and fun whenever you can. Smile and laugh many times a day!
Lesson # 5 Use your imagination!
The stuff my two year old comes up with is amazing. Her imagination is inspiring! She can be a mommy or a kitty in the same 5 minutes. She will create any place she wants to be and really act like she is there.
Again this is an area that adults tend to lack in. Use your imagination when you dream. Let it run wild once in awhile. If you try it you will catch yourself feeling what you are imagining. Do not be surprised if you catch yourself smiling! Imagination is important for MLM success. Yes it is true that a system makes your business more automated but it is your imagination that makes that system work just for you.
If you would like to learn more about growing your MLM business click on the link in the resource box for more information.
Copyright © Mary Thayer
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Brrr... It's Cold Outside!
Thank God for nice, cozy, warm houses!
February is chucking right by at a quick little pace! It is already one third over. Tomorrow will be the start of a new set of goals for myself. This past month my main goal was to write one article per day. I am proud to say I have met that goal and intend to continue at the same pace. Tony Robins says it takes thirty days to create a habit. Guess I created a habit of writing an article every day!
A fun little thing happened to me tonight. I was reading my email and listening to some great training in an email. When I was done I went back to my inbox and saw I got another message. The subject line was: Congratulations! You Just Made Another Commission Sale!
Those are fun emails to get. They seem to come more and more as I generate more traffic. It is always a blast to make commission sales from free traffic generation!
If you are not article marketing today is the day to start. It is 100% free.
If you have any questions or want to learn more about article marketing click on the link below.
Until next time,
Live Great,
and Stay Warm!
Mary T
“Learn More About A MLM Technique That Will Generate Cash For Your Business Even If Nobody Joins Your Company! It Even Generates Red-Hot Targeted Prospects At The Same Time Who Ask You How They Can Join Your Network Marketing Business!”