Copyright © Mary Thayer
The concept of internet network marketing is exciting and daunting at the same time. It is fun to think about the endless prospects to find online. The key to internet network marketing is FINDING those targeted prospects and enrolling them into your business.
What internet network marketing is NOT.
An easy trap many network marketers get stuck in is thinking that their free company website is the answer to internet network marketing. Network marketers are so excited about their product and services that many think that if they simply give this site out to everyone they meet they will get the sign up’s coming automatically.
Using the internet to purchase leads is also not internet network marketing. Just because you found the lead broker online does not mean you are growing your business via internet network marketing.
Internet Network Marketing is generating your own targeted traffic and leads
The key to a successful network marketing business is showing your business several times a day. If you want to show your business several times daily you have to have a constant flow of leads. This is very important for growing your network marketing business period online or offline.
Internet marketing is about creating your own targeted traffic that becomes leads. You must prepare yourself to learn how to capture leads. These leads will be fresh and unused and they are exclusively yours. Generating leads online is actually cheaper than buying those “fresh, just opted in with their credit card in hand” leads from a lead broker.
Showing your leads your business on auto-pilot
It is very common knowledge that most people do not buy the first time they are presented something. On average it takes 7 exposures to an opportunity before someone will whip out their wallet and make a purchase.
The internet allows you to keep showing your business to these prospects on auto pilot. This is where an auto-responder becomes a very handy tool, if not a necessity, to keep exposing your business to your targeted leads.
Developing a relationship with your targeted leads
The internet can seem like a very impersonal place if you do not develop a relationship with your leads. This is where a blog comes in. A blog is basically an online journal where you can post what ever you want. It is also a place where all your prospects can get to know you on a more personal level.
A System to Grow With
Systems are critical to your network marketing business period. They are essential weather you are marketing off-line or online. It is critical to have a good proven system in place that your prospects can easily duplicate to grow their business.
Especially in internet network marketing it is imperative to have a system for your new sign-ups to follow. The internet is a big vast arena that is easy to get distracted from or just plain lost. A system will enable your prospects to follow the beaten path that you have made.
This is just scratching the surface on internet network marketing. For more information on internet network marketing make sure you follow the link below.
Internet Network Marketing Exposed
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