Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Are You Failing In MLM Enough?

This might sound funny to you but it is a good indicator of why you are having success or why you are not. This past weekend I was fortunate enough to see Robert Kiyosaki speak live at my Primary Business Convention. He was an incredible speaker and it was very exciting to listen to him!

He told his story about being a salesman early in his career. He was struggling to stay afloat and could not figure out how to change that. His rich dad told him he had to increase his failure rate. Understandably Robert was quite surprised by this statement. "What do you mean?" He then went on to explain if you are not failing fast enough you are not learning and you are not talking to enough people!

If you want to have more success in your MLM business...... Get to failing faster. Talk to more people who tell you no. The law of averages will start kicking in and eventually you will get better and better.

How many times are you planning to fail today? (Or how many people are you going to approach about your business today)

If you are stuck in a rut, do something today that will make you uncomfortable. You will learn from it and it will make you a better person!

Mark Yarnell hits the nail on the head with this quote:

"The only locked doors you'll ever find once you've joined network marketing are those within your own mind." -Mark Yarnell

Take action today!

Mary T

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