The internet is full of network marketing business opportunities, how to e-books and courses. In fact it is bursting at the seams! If you are not careful you can become trapped in a funnel of really good sales letters and find yourself doing a lot of buying. In this buying spree usually there is little learning and implementing taking place.
Every new sales letter gives you hope that this is the tool that you really need to grow your network marketing business opportunity. You buy a product, get frustrated about the lack of quality and then pretty soon you are sucked into another sales page. It becomes a very bad cycle. Your spouse threatens you and you promise this is the thing that is going to get you to your wildest dreams.
This is not really what you imagined growing you network marketing business opportunity on the internet would be like. It is supposed to be full of new prospects running to you with their credit card in hand asking, how can I be part of what you do? You really start to feel a little scammed.
This is when you have to STOP. Take some time away from the internet and get a piece of paper. Write down your goals, your WHY, and the reason you are in network marketing. Take some time to reflect on this. It will re-direct you to focus. If you do not focus you will not accomplish anything. It is important to understand that you must focus on one course until you are successful. Then you can repeat the process. But, you must first be successful in one area first.
When you are lost on the internet it becomes easy to forget it is only a tool. You are still the captain of your network marketing ship. The tasks to learn on the internet are really easy compared to other things you have accomplished in life. It is important to make a commitment to learning and implementing one new thing everyday. If you get in this cycle your mindset is in the constant mode of growth.
After you find your focus it is time to enter the internet again. Remember you have value to offer. It does not matter if you have not made millions of dollars like the so called guru's that are constantly marketing to you. When you realize you have value to offer you will become your best business asset!
Next, seek out a successful mentor who has gone through the trenches before. It may be hard to find one to communicate with personally but get on many lists and find someone who you connect with. Once they have earned your trust see what their product is about. You will most likely be impressed by how much value they offer.
The amount of information that is available free through newsletters is incredible. When you are able to learn from free resources you have met a milestone. You have entered the learning mode. You do not have to buy something to learn and implement something of value in your network marketing business.
The most important part of this mode though is the implementation stage. Keep in mind that even with a kick butt guide you will still make mistakes. That is a part of life and you can choose to learn from it and grow or let it tear you down. Never forget that 99% of life is attitude. That is one thing you do have control of!
The internet is an incredible place to build a network marketing business. If you persevere you will be ahead of over 90% of the population. Keep up the learning and implementing and your business will grow faster than you could ever dream of.
If you would like more internet network marketing strategies check out the link in the resource box for more information.
Copyright © Mary Thayer
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