Monday, March 24, 2008

Internet Network Marketing - Is the Internet Sabotaging Your Network Marketing Business?

The internet is full of network marketing business opportunities, how to e-books and courses. In fact it is bursting at the seams! If you are not careful you can become trapped in a funnel of really good sales letters and find yourself doing a lot of buying. In this buying spree usually there is little learning and implementing taking place.

Every new sales letter gives you hope that this is the tool that you really need to grow your network marketing business opportunity. You buy a product, get frustrated about the lack of quality and then pretty soon you are sucked into another sales page. It becomes a very bad cycle. Your spouse threatens you and you promise this is the thing that is going to get you to your wildest dreams.

This is not really what you imagined growing you network marketing business opportunity on the internet would be like. It is supposed to be full of new prospects running to you with their credit card in hand asking, how can I be part of what you do? You really start to feel a little scammed.

This is when you have to STOP. Take some time away from the internet and get a piece of paper. Write down your goals, your WHY, and the reason you are in network marketing. Take some time to reflect on this. It will re-direct you to focus. If you do not focus you will not accomplish anything. It is important to understand that you must focus on one course until you are successful. Then you can repeat the process. But, you must first be successful in one area first.

When you are lost on the internet it becomes easy to forget it is only a tool. You are still the captain of your network marketing ship. The tasks to learn on the internet are really easy compared to other things you have accomplished in life. It is important to make a commitment to learning and implementing one new thing everyday. If you get in this cycle your mindset is in the constant mode of growth.

After you find your focus it is time to enter the internet again. Remember you have value to offer. It does not matter if you have not made millions of dollars like the so called guru's that are constantly marketing to you. When you realize you have value to offer you will become your best business asset!

Next, seek out a successful mentor who has gone through the trenches before. It may be hard to find one to communicate with personally but get on many lists and find someone who you connect with. Once they have earned your trust see what their product is about. You will most likely be impressed by how much value they offer.

The amount of information that is available free through newsletters is incredible. When you are able to learn from free resources you have met a milestone. You have entered the learning mode. You do not have to buy something to learn and implement something of value in your network marketing business.

The most important part of this mode though is the implementation stage. Keep in mind that even with a kick butt guide you will still make mistakes. That is a part of life and you can choose to learn from it and grow or let it tear you down. Never forget that 99% of life is attitude. That is one thing you do have control of!

The internet is an incredible place to build a network marketing business. If you persevere you will be ahead of over 90% of the population. Keep up the learning and implementing and your business will grow faster than you could ever dream of.

If you would like more internet network marketing strategies check out the link in the resource box for more information.

Copyright © Mary Thayer

"Learn More About A MLM Technique That Will Generate Cash For Your Business Even If Nobody Joins Your Company! It Even Generates Red-Hot Targeted Prospects At The Same Time, Who Ask YOU How They Can Join YOUR Network Marketing Business!

Visit to learn more.

Check Out My Blog to Get to Know Me!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Network Marketing and Squidoo - What Does Squidoo Have to do With Network Marketing?

If you have been network marketing online for any length of time you have most likely heard of Squidoo. The first time I ever heard this I was like squid what? It is Squidoo. It is a site that has a community behind it. It has a goal as a platform to bring the power of recommendation to searching online. It is often referred to as a social marketing site or a social content site.

That is all great but what does it have to do with network marketing?

Squidoo offers a free place for network marketers to build a lens (content modules you can create) to network and market their business. Here a marketer is free to shamelessly promote their business and themselves. This is all hosted and featured on Squidoo. In your lens you are able to promote your business website. This in turn results in more traffic for you.

Why Squidoo?

The top reason you should learn about this site is that Google loves it! This is not just any love affair they really like to rank them on their top 10 search results. It will be much easier for you to get first page listing for your Squidoo lens then it will be for your website. So if you do your keyword research you can have your individual lens ranking high very quickly. That converts into more free traffic. Who in network marketing needs free traffic?

The next great reason you should utilize is because it is free! Yes you read that right it is completely free to set up a lens. It is also very easy. If you have any internet experience you should be able to have a lens up and running in no time. If you need ideas on what to put on your lens take a peek at the top lenses and see what they are doing. They are on top for doing something right!

Of course there are always tips and tricks to get your lens ranking higher more quickly. The key is to do your keyword research. Then you must offer great value to your readers. Value will always win in the game of marketing.

This really is just the tip of the iceberg on how to use Squidoo to grow your network marketing business faster. If your business needs help visit the link in the resource box for more information.

Copyright © Mary Thayer

Mary Thayer
"It's fun to build your business when prospects come to you."

Learn with Mary to generate your own prospects list. Also find out how to use internet strategies that allow you to afford to keep building your current network marketing business.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Mike Dillard of Magnetic Sponsoring Building on a Budget - Book Review

If you have been on the internet long building your internet network marketing business you at least know of Mike Dillard and his Magnetic Sponsoring books and courses. He has quite an impressive track record. He just released a new product called Building on a Budget.

Building on a budget is a compilation of techniques to build your network marketing business while on a budget. This was very enticing to me because I know that most people start their business on a budget. Most of the time new business owners are on a very tight budget. At the very least I wanted to see if the product would bring value to those in my downline.

My first impression was very good. I ordered the book and received the free bonus immediately. The free bonus was worth the price of the book alone. It had some very interesting ways to build your business online on a budget. Some of the techniques described are completely free to implement. Honestly I had heard of a couple of the ways but have never pursued them. After this training they made much more sense and I felt more comfortable with trying them.

Next impression was also superior. To my surprise I received my hard copy of the book within three days in the mail. The content was very easy to read and understand. It was in a very clean and concise, do this and then do that, format.

Today was the first day I implemented one of the free strategies. I was only testing it so I did it on a very small scale. Imagine my surprise when I checked the stats and found that I had a prospect only two hours after posting an ad. This is for sure a good sign in my book. I did so little to get a result. To say the least I will test this method much further to see what other kinds of results I can get from the free advertising.

In addition to the Building on a Budget book you also receive access to the magnetic sponsoring back office. It is also jammed packed with loads of quality training.

Another gem of this product is the way Mike also discusses the attraction factor in all your marketing. This is a great product and I would recommend it to anyone who is building on a budget or who has sponsored a fellow network marketer that is building on a budget. If you would like more information on Magnetic Sponsoring, Building on a Budget, click on the link in the resource box.

Copyright © Mary Thayer

Mary Thayer is a Expert Ezine Article Author. She is passionate about helping others succeed.

Check out my blog for more valuable resources!

Monday, March 10, 2008

A Little Wisdom About Systems......

Hope you all had a great day! It was sunny here and in the 40's so it was a great day. I was able to take the kids outside and build our first snowman for the winter. The snow was finally sticky! I have to admit this Minnesota winter is getting loooooong. Spring is coming!

Anyway I wanted to share a great email I received from my mentor Daegan Smith. Daegan is a true internet network marketing genius so take some time to gleam a little knowledge from the wisdom he shares......

Principles Of Successful Network Marketing Systems

If you've been out there as a network
marketer online for any length of time you've
probably seen several different systems being
used by different leaders and different

In fact it can be quite confusing with all
the different options out there.

And the obvious question comes to mind . . .

Which system is the best?

To tell the truth, I couldn't tell you which
system is the best. The reason that one
system works great for one company may well,
if transposed to another company, a huge

We tend to think in polar opposites as

We always want to know who's the best at this
and who's the best at that or what's the best
system for this or what's the best system for
that when in reality the world we live in
isn't filled with just black and white -
right or wrong.

Let's take a few second to go through a few
principles about systems.

1. The simpler the better
2. The more focused to YOU the better
3. The higher the price the more human touch

The first principle is pretty self

The simpler the system the easier it will be
for someone new to pick up and duplicate.

Network marketing is all about duplication
and the more complicated the process of
duplication is made the slower it will occur
if at all.

If you were to create your own system make
sure you keep it as simple as possible and
you will greatly increase the chances that
that system will be successfully duplicated
down your genealogy.

The second principle may need a little more

Out there in the world of network marketing
there are internal systems and external
systems created.

The internal systems are our company's
marketing systems and tools. We as
distributors have little control over these
so it's important that you choose a strong
internal system from the outset if you really
want to give yourself a head start in
creating success.

If you choose to use an external system for
your team make sure that it's focused and
branded to you at NOT some guru type.


There MUST be continuity between your system
and you or you risk creating confusion and

There are two situations that I've come
across out there online to lookout for that
you should be weary of if you decide on using
a system that you do not create yourself.

The system that is completely guru centeric - a
system to build them and not you

If you have a system that is NOT tightly
focused around you then it becomes a system
for systems sake.

That's not what you want.

Let's move on . . .

The system with two many business to join

These are the systems where they claim
everything is free and they lead you down a
path of join X business first then Y business
second and so on because that's all part of

First off, a system like this is not simple
so it violates principle #1 and requires too
many steps to be completed successfully so
your prospects probability of successfully
completing all the steps involved in
decreased and duplication dies.

Secondarily, there's really no reason for it
as it doesn't help you really focus your
efforts on building YOUR business.

I'll say it and I'll say it again.

Focus on your one business, put all your eggs
in that basket. Only after you max out the
comp plan should you consider joining another
business, but when you're making $50,000 a
month why would you even want to?

I've seen these sites where they promote
joining one business after the other and the
honest truth is they make work for the first
year or two and make the creators of the
system a good deal of cash, but they have
always failed in the long run because of
their lack of focus.

Make sure your system is simple and focused.

The last idea to share is just that the
higher the price of your company's product or
service the more human touch you are going to
need to incorporate into your system for it
to work.

For high ticket items, over $1000, that human
touch doesn't necessarily have to be
something you do personally but it must be
part of the system.

That's it.

The bottom line is . . .

Systems work and will work for you, just be
sure your system holds to the principles

To the top,

"The King Of Never Calling A Single Lead"

Hope you enjoyed that! If you would like more information from Daegan
and what he teaches click here now.