If you have been on the internet long building your internet network marketing business you at least know of Mike Dillard and his Magnetic Sponsoring books and courses. He has quite an impressive track record. He just released a new product called Building on a Budget.
Building on a budget is a compilation of techniques to build your network marketing business while on a budget. This was very enticing to me because I know that most people start their business on a budget. Most of the time new business owners are on a very tight budget. At the very least I wanted to see if the product would bring value to those in my downline.
My first impression was very good. I ordered the book and received the free bonus immediately. The free bonus was worth the price of the book alone. It had some very interesting ways to build your business online on a budget. Some of the techniques described are completely free to implement. Honestly I had heard of a couple of the ways but have never pursued them. After this training they made much more sense and I felt more comfortable with trying them.
Next impression was also superior. To my surprise I received my hard copy of the book within three days in the mail. The content was very easy to read and understand. It was in a very clean and concise, do this and then do that, format.
Today was the first day I implemented one of the free strategies. I was only testing it so I did it on a very small scale. Imagine my surprise when I checked the stats and found that I had a prospect only two hours after posting an ad. This is for sure a good sign in my book. I did so little to get a result. To say the least I will test this method much further to see what other kinds of results I can get from the free advertising.
In addition to the Building on a Budget book you also receive access to the magnetic sponsoring back office. It is also jammed packed with loads of quality training.
Another gem of this product is the way Mike also discusses the attraction factor in all your marketing. This is a great product and I would recommend it to anyone who is building on a budget or who has sponsored a fellow network marketer that is building on a budget. If you would like more information on Magnetic Sponsoring, Building on a Budget, click on the link in the resource box.
Copyright © Mary Thayer
Mary Thayer is a Expert Ezine Article Author. She is passionate about helping others succeed.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mary_Thayer
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