Monday, March 17, 2008

Network Marketing and Squidoo - What Does Squidoo Have to do With Network Marketing?

If you have been network marketing online for any length of time you have most likely heard of Squidoo. The first time I ever heard this I was like squid what? It is Squidoo. It is a site that has a community behind it. It has a goal as a platform to bring the power of recommendation to searching online. It is often referred to as a social marketing site or a social content site.

That is all great but what does it have to do with network marketing?

Squidoo offers a free place for network marketers to build a lens (content modules you can create) to network and market their business. Here a marketer is free to shamelessly promote their business and themselves. This is all hosted and featured on Squidoo. In your lens you are able to promote your business website. This in turn results in more traffic for you.

Why Squidoo?

The top reason you should learn about this site is that Google loves it! This is not just any love affair they really like to rank them on their top 10 search results. It will be much easier for you to get first page listing for your Squidoo lens then it will be for your website. So if you do your keyword research you can have your individual lens ranking high very quickly. That converts into more free traffic. Who in network marketing needs free traffic?

The next great reason you should utilize is because it is free! Yes you read that right it is completely free to set up a lens. It is also very easy. If you have any internet experience you should be able to have a lens up and running in no time. If you need ideas on what to put on your lens take a peek at the top lenses and see what they are doing. They are on top for doing something right!

Of course there are always tips and tricks to get your lens ranking higher more quickly. The key is to do your keyword research. Then you must offer great value to your readers. Value will always win in the game of marketing.

This really is just the tip of the iceberg on how to use Squidoo to grow your network marketing business faster. If your business needs help visit the link in the resource box for more information.

Copyright © Mary Thayer

Mary Thayer
"It's fun to build your business when prospects come to you."

Learn with Mary to generate your own prospects list. Also find out how to use internet strategies that allow you to afford to keep building your current network marketing business.

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