Cold calling leads is about as fun as shoveling manure on a 150 degree day! Are you a cold lead calling victim? Have you been abused from list after list? If this raises any hair on the back of your neck you need to learn online prospecting!
If you have been in MLM or network marketing for any amount of time you know that prospecting is what drives your business. If you are going to prospect you need leads. Most people cruise through their "warm market" with lightening speed (or learn they don't want to go there!). The most common solution given to people from up line leaders is to purchase cold leads.
Speaking from personal experience cold leads are not the answer. Most lists have been sold several times. They are old lists so you usually have multiple disconnects and wrong numbers. People hang up on you right and left and some are down right nasty. The bottom line is cold calling leads is a waste of time for most people.
Online prospecting is the answer!
Online prospecting is generating your own red-hot targeted leads. What do I mean by red-hot targeted leads? These leads are exclusive to you. They have not been sold several times. They are yours and yours only. They are targeted because you are the driver of the traffic. Find a group of people, put your link in front of them and let them take the action. The amount of traffic you generate will determine your success.
Online prospecting is exciting but you need to be willing to learn the ins and outs of the process. The process should be as automated as possible. When a prospect opts into your lead capture page you need to have an immediate email follow-up. This can easily be set up via an auto-responder.
Another great way to automate your online prospecting is to communicate with your prospects often. Do not sell, sell, and sell to them. If they did not buy the first time continue to give them value. It takes most people an average of seven exposures before they actually buy. Always include the link to your business in the email but do not constantly focus on it.
It will take time to learn the process but once you do you will literally grow your business at the click of a button! If you are still completely confused about online prospecting or have more questions click on the link in the resource box for more information.
Copyright © Mary Thayer
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