Monday, January 14, 2008

How to “Blog Network Marketing”: The Nuts and Bolts of Using a Blog to Grow Your MLM Business

Copyright © Mary Thayer

It was less than a year ago that I started to learn about network marketing online. The first time I heard the name Blog I had a Huh reaction. A blog meant nothing to me. Honestly I did not even know what a blog was. Today I have a couple of blogs and I know the importance of using the blog to grow a MLM business online. So this is a little guide on how to blog network marketing for your business.

For those that are new to internet network marketing a blog is an online journal. You can post whatever you want on your blog. When done right Blogging can be a powerful leveraging tool for your internet network marketing business

Why is blogging such a potent internet network marketing tool?

Blogging puts the relationship into internet network marketing.

We have all experienced the coldness and hard selling that the internet has to offer. Most of us in network marketing know that a relationship is important in building a business. So how do you build a relationship over the internet? With a blog! A blog allows prospects and business partners to get to know you on a more personal level. They can look at your blog and see you are a genuine person. It is important to include some personal stuff about yourself like your story. Let them know your why and why you chose this industry. Personal touches like that will make your prospect feel like they know you or can relate to you.

As your business grows blogging can save you loads and loads of time.

Training your team is a very important part of growing a network marketing business. When you use a blog to record what is working for you and your team, it saves you the time of telling each individual new team member what works and what doesn’t work. You can also post specific training on you blog that lets your team members do it on their own time.

Blogging brings you targeted traffic!

A little bonus to blogging network marketing is it can bring you targeted traffic. To be honest with you it will probably not bring you a ton of traffic unless you really work at it. Bringing tons of targeted traffic to your network marketing blog is a subject big enough for another article. To find out more on how to blog network marketing, click on the link in the resource box for more information.

Visit the resources below to learn more:

“Learn More About A MLM Technique That Will Generate Cash For Your Business Even If Nobody Joins Your Company! It Even Generates Red-Hot Targeted Prospects At The Same Time Who Ask You How They Can Join Your Network Marketing Business!”

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