Copyright © Mary Thayer
Is there really a secret on how to make money in network marketing? Before I answer that question let’s review how and why most people join this industry in the first place.
New network marketers sign up to start a network marketing business with sights of family vacations, new cars, and dream homes. Network marketing is the vehicle to bring out their dreams and desires. Dreams that the new networker had tucked away long ago. They had accepted the fact that they were mediocre and would have to accept a mediocre existence. This is really one of the beautiful things about network marketing. It allows people the permission to dream again. Most give up on dreaming right around high school so it is quite a fun experience to let their imagination loose again. Their sponsor assures them that this is the easiest business ever to build. The new networker is assured that once they tell one person that person will beg them to sign up. They will have people knocking at their door to sign up.
After the initial dream honeymoon the reality hits that something must be done to meet this goal. This is where about 95% of network marketers start the failing process. They look to their sponsor to learn how to make money in network marketing. The sponsor directs them to their friends and family. The excited new network marketer goes off to tell everyone they know about XYZ Company. This is when the rejection comes. People start telling the excited marketer these things never work out and they are a scam. This is where the bulk of people drop out of network marketing.
Enough said about the ones that drop out of network marketing. This article is for the network marketers that stick around for the long haul. The secret on how to make money in network marketing is really no secret at all. The secret is you must put in the time and treat your business like any other successful business is treated.
First secret that is critical for your success is proper training. If you needed brain surgery would you go to a brain surgeon or a neighbor that read a book about brain surgery? Of course you would go to the brain surgeon. Why, because he has been trained to be a brain surgeon. This training issue applies to your network marketing business as well. If you want to have a successful business you must get proper training in running a successful network marketing business.
Next secret is you must put in the time. Honestly most part-time jobs are about 15-20 hours per week. If you want to make money in network marketing part-time you must put in some time. At least 15-20 hours of time per week will get your business running. It is important to note that your time must be spent effectively. It does you no good to count time that you are checking emails and making goals as your “work time”. Work time should be treated just like that, work time.
The last secret is that you must endure the trials. Even with good training you will still make mistakes that you learned not to do. You will have uncomfortable moments with new business activities. Persevere and watch how they become more comfortable after time. You will still have bad days, months, or even years. But, if you commit yourself to continuous learning and application you will triumph over any trial. You will achieve the greatness that 99% of people will only ever dream of. If you get anything out of this article know that there is no magic formula. Stick to the basics and you will reach great heights. For more information on how to make money in network marketing, click on the link in the resource box.
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