Monday, May 19, 2008

Is Your MLM Business Making You Crazy?

Let me guess you are probably like any of the other masses of people who were sold on MLM because of how easy it is. You were told it was easy to go out and get three people who automatically did the same thing immediately. You liked the idea of having it easy and making tons of cash!

The reality has probably sunk in for you by now that it is not an easy business to build. Your thoughts about this realization are probably on the verge of making you crazy. It does take time, effort, and skills to be successful in MLM just like it does in any business. If you have come to this realization, congratulations, you have made great progress. It means you have kept your head above water for longer than the other 95% who have already dropped out.

The next thing you must master in not going crazy while you are building your MLM business is monitoring what you say to yourself. It is critical that you become aware of your self-talk. How many times have you planned to go out to talk to someone about your products or business and by the time you reach that person you have talked yourself out of it. The truth is you never talked to anyone but in your brain you have already been rejected!

Beware of your thoughts. They can either bring you up or tear you down. The good news is that you do have control of them. Napoleon Hill says it well, "Success comes to those who become success conscious. Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure conscious." Read that sentence over and over until it sinks into your thick skull. Then make it a habit to dwell on your successes no matter how small they may be!

When you were told that building a MLM business was easy you probably felt some comfortable feelings. Do not get used to being comfortable. It is a true indicator that you are making progress if you feel uncomfortable. What! Who wants to be uncomfortable? It is a simple reality that must occur for those who long to change their current situation. When you are comfortable you are not changing. If you are not changing you are not moving toward your destination. You are most likely moving further away.

Do not let yourself be controlled by fear of being uncomfortable!

Now you know that much of building a MLM business is learning how to control your mental thoughts. Remember that anything worth having takes a massive amount of energy. If you are married or have children you know what I am talking about. Get control of your mental game and be committed to continuous learning and you will watch your business grow beyond your wildest dreams!

Mary Thayer is passionate about network marketing and helping others learn about it. Find out how you can join this growing team of successful home entrepreneurs!


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