Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Learn Online Prospecting - Because Dead Beat Leads Don't Lie!

Cold calling leads is about as fun as shoveling manure on a 150 degree day! Are you a cold lead calling victim? Have you been abused from list after list? If this raises any hair on the back of your neck you need to learn online prospecting!

If you have been in MLM or network marketing for any amount of time you know that prospecting is what drives your business. If you are going to prospect you need leads. Most people cruise through their "warm market" with lightening speed (or learn they don't want to go there!). The most common solution given to people from up line leaders is to purchase cold leads.

Speaking from personal experience cold leads are not the answer. Most lists have been sold several times. They are old lists so you usually have multiple disconnects and wrong numbers. People hang up on you right and left and some are down right nasty. The bottom line is cold calling leads is a waste of time for most people.

Online prospecting is the answer!

Online prospecting is generating your own red-hot targeted leads. What do I mean by red-hot targeted leads? These leads are exclusive to you. They have not been sold several times. They are yours and yours only. They are targeted because you are the driver of the traffic. Find a group of people, put your link in front of them and let them take the action. The amount of traffic you generate will determine your success.

Online prospecting is exciting but you need to be willing to learn the ins and outs of the process. The process should be as automated as possible. When a prospect opts into your lead capture page you need to have an immediate email follow-up. This can easily be set up via an auto-responder.

Another great way to automate your online prospecting is to communicate with your prospects often. Do not sell, sell, and sell to them. If they did not buy the first time continue to give them value. It takes most people an average of seven exposures before they actually buy. Always include the link to your business in the email but do not constantly focus on it.

It will take time to learn the process but once you do you will literally grow your business at the click of a button! If you are still completely confused about online prospecting or have more questions click on the link in the resource box for more information.

Copyright © Mary Thayer

"Learn More About A MLM Technique That Will Generate Cash For Your Business Even If Nobody Joins Your Company! It Even Generates Red-Hot Targeted Prospects At The Same Time, Who Ask YOU, How They Can Join YOUR Network Marketing Business!

Visit http://www.askmaryt.com to learn more.

Check Out My Blog to Get to Know Me!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Online MLM Secrets: Secret or No Secret You Decide

What is the big online MLM Secret? It seems that every "Guru" has their secret formula that you need to know to succeed. You get all excited about it, click on their link and are brought to a fancy sales page to sell you yet another must have e-book.

Do you have a library of e-books full of MLM secrets aging in your computer drive? Today is the day to really look at what online MLM Secrets are.

When I first got started in the internet MLM marketing I got stuck in the trap of "being overwhelmed". This trap causes us to have weakened reasoning skills.

We start to fall for the sales pages thinking this is the key. This is what will make my business so easy and automated I can set it up and let it go! This is where the disease sets in. It seems that we buy all the e-books with the secrets but continue to have no results.

So how do we clear up our demented thinking and get back on the right track again?

Go back to the basics. Online MLM is really basic when you break it down piece by piece. The most basic aspect of it is application. It is true with anything in life. Learning does not take on its fullness until the application phase.

An example that is very vivid for me in my own life is when I became a nurse. In nursing school they touched on every subject they knew we needed to practice as a nurse. When I got my first job I felt like I had hardly scraped the surface of knowledge to practice. Needless to say my first few years practicing as a nurse were when I learned the most.

The learning is continuous with application. It will be the same for you when marketing MLM online. The best part is that you can use application immediately after you learn something. Repetition is king so the more you do something the easier it will get for you and it will feel more natural each time you do it.

The last e-book I bought opened my eyes about the concept of secrets of online marketing. It's really as simple as the Nike logo, Just Do It. So stop frantically buying every promise of easiness and start applying what you know on a consistent daily basis. You will be amazed at the incredible results you will yield. If you are interested in learning more online MLM secrets click on the link in the resource box for more information.

Copyright © Mary Thayer

Brand New System: "No hype just nuts and bolts information to turn your business into a $100,000 Year Business on the Internet." Visit http://www.askmaryt.com to learn more.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Multi-Level Marketing: Have You Been Burned Before?

How many multi-level marketing companies have you joined in your lifetime? Are you a multi-level/ network marketing junkie? Does it seem like every time you turn around there is a better company for you to join that will be easier than the last?

If this describes you, don’t be hard on yourself. You are not alone. Hundreds of thousands of people join multi-level or network marketing companies daily. Most of them join on hype. They usually excitedly tell one to two family and friends. Get rejected big time and quit.

Does this describe your past experiences in multi-level marketing?

If it does, don’t sweat it. The amazing thing about this life is we have many second chances. I am guessing that if you are reading this article you are back in the saddle again. Ready to change your life forever!


This is your time to shine! There are some very basic things you should understand before you get rejected by some family and friends and call it quits again.

No, this is not going to be a line about perseverance. This is going to be an obvious truth that your probably have not faced yet in your multi-level or network marketing business before.

Here is the big truth: If you want to have a successful business you must treat it like a business!

Let’s take a time out for an example. Look at your local exercise gym. Do they have regular business hours? Can you imagine if when they first opened they did not have set hours? How would you know when to go to work out? Have you ever set a regular schedule in your new multi-level marketing business?

Now let’s talk about what gets done in this “work time”. Do think the owner of the exercise gym only sat down to write about his goal and thought about them a lot. No, he took action. Every day he took action that would build his business.

It is important that when you set aside time to work your business, you do activities that will grow your business. Most of your time should be focused on putting more prospects in your funnel. In other words you need to be in communication with many people during your work hours!

By now I am sure you are getting the picture. It is vital to treat your new multi-level marketing business like a business. Anything less, you can expect it to fail because any business would fail if treated like that!

The next critical detail your multi-level marketing business NEEDS is for you to get proper training. As you can imagine the fitness gym owner had to take training on how to run and operate the equipment in their gym. Right down to the smallest detail, like running the cash register.

Keep in mind sometimes learning new things can be frustrating. Get over it. It will only get easier every time you do it.

Try implementing treating your multi-level business like a business and watch it grow. Focus at first on the training aspect. But, do not forget to apply as you learn!

Re-evaluate your past experience in multi-level marketing. Were you burned or did you burn yourself? If you want to know more about multi-level or network marketing click on the link in the resource box for more information.

Copyright © Mary Thayer

Visit the resources below to learn more:

“Learn More About A MLM Technique That Will Generate Cash For Your Business Even If Nobody Joins Your Company! It Even Generates Red-Hot Targeted Prospects At The Same Time, Who Ask YOU, How They Can Join YOUR Network Marketing Business!”


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mary_Thayer

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Today Was an Internet MLM WOW Day!

This past week has really been incredible. One week ago I was talking to one of my network marketing/ MLM mentors and I set some pretty high daily goals. One of my goals was to write one article a day. Writing articles has always been a personal struggle for me. It is not hard to do but it takes discipline to sit down and do it.

After setting it in my mind that I would not go to bed until I wrote an article the days started to pass. Surprisingly I was finding it easy to write one article per day. Heck today I even wrote two! Meeting my goal for the first week was my first victory.

My second victory was when I was checking how good my keyword research was. You can imagine my shock when I found myself, more than once, on the FIRST page of a google search! It was very exciting to say the least!

If you want to start having more success in your business check out my resource box at the side to see how I do it!

Have a great day!

Mary Thayer

Monday, January 14, 2008

How to “Blog Network Marketing”: The Nuts and Bolts of Using a Blog to Grow Your MLM Business

Copyright © Mary Thayer

It was less than a year ago that I started to learn about network marketing online. The first time I heard the name Blog I had a Huh reaction. A blog meant nothing to me. Honestly I did not even know what a blog was. Today I have a couple of blogs and I know the importance of using the blog to grow a MLM business online. So this is a little guide on how to blog network marketing for your business.

For those that are new to internet network marketing a blog is an online journal. You can post whatever you want on your blog. When done right Blogging can be a powerful leveraging tool for your internet network marketing business

Why is blogging such a potent internet network marketing tool?

Blogging puts the relationship into internet network marketing.

We have all experienced the coldness and hard selling that the internet has to offer. Most of us in network marketing know that a relationship is important in building a business. So how do you build a relationship over the internet? With a blog! A blog allows prospects and business partners to get to know you on a more personal level. They can look at your blog and see you are a genuine person. It is important to include some personal stuff about yourself like your story. Let them know your why and why you chose this industry. Personal touches like that will make your prospect feel like they know you or can relate to you.

As your business grows blogging can save you loads and loads of time.

Training your team is a very important part of growing a network marketing business. When you use a blog to record what is working for you and your team, it saves you the time of telling each individual new team member what works and what doesn’t work. You can also post specific training on you blog that lets your team members do it on their own time.

Blogging brings you targeted traffic!

A little bonus to blogging network marketing is it can bring you targeted traffic. To be honest with you it will probably not bring you a ton of traffic unless you really work at it. Bringing tons of targeted traffic to your network marketing blog is a subject big enough for another article. To find out more on how to blog network marketing, click on the link in the resource box for more information.

Visit the resources below to learn more:

“Learn More About A MLM Technique That Will Generate Cash For Your Business Even If Nobody Joins Your Company! It Even Generates Red-Hot Targeted Prospects At The Same Time Who Ask You How They Can Join Your Network Marketing Business!”


Saturday, January 12, 2008

How to Grow Your Wellness Network Marketing Business Faster!

Copyright © Mary Thayer

When you got started in your wellness network marketing business you probably wanted to try the products first. Your sponsor probably told you about the amazing results they had using the wellness products. Like most, you probably are or were facing some sort of healthcare challenge. It is true that we are in a health crisis. People are getting sicker everyday at a younger and younger age. Our country’s report card on health is an F all the way when you compare it to the cost of healthcare! With the health of our country in such shambles it would seem that wellness network marketers would have an endless amount of prospects just waiting for them to tell them how to get healthy. It is true that the market for wellness products is vast but the type of prospect you are looking for to grow your wellness network marketing business is different than you might think.

Do you talk to unhealthy prospects first?

Many wellness network marketers write down a list of their sick friends to tell them about their new wellness product that will change their life. The problem with focusing on sickness is that now your prospect wants you to be a doctor. They say things like, “I have this, what should I take, or what kind of results have people with this kind of illness had.” These types of issues force you to take a role you are not trained to handle. These are questions for a healthcare provider not a wellness network marketer. This can also become a legal issue for the company you represent if you start acting out of your realm. These people do probably need your products but do not target them, let them come to you first.

So if you don’t target sick people who do you talk to?

A better prospect for the wellness network marketer is a health conscious consumer who is always trying to improve their health. These are the people that with a little education can see why they need the product and they become your loyal and faithful customers. Some of them even go on to share the products with other people to start growing a business. Even though the health conscious person is better to prospect than the sick person they are not the best prospect out there.

There is an even better prospect out there to help you build your wellness network marketing business faster and stronger!

The best prospect to build your wellness network marketing business is the opportunity seeker. That is an individual who is looking for an opportunity to start a business of their own. You may be asking, “Why is the best prospect for wellness network marketing an opportunity seeker?” The reason the business opportunity seeker is the better prospect is because they are looking to build a business. It doesn’t matter the product, the opportunity seeker’s main focus is to build a business. If they become a wellness network marketer the best choice for them would be to use the wellness company’s product that they are representing. If it is a serious prospect they will want their own product experience anyway. If you would like more information on how to grow your wellness network marketing business, click on the link in the resource box for more information.

Visit the resources below to learn more:

“Learn More About A MLM Technique That Will Generate Cash For Your Business Even If Nobody Joins Your Company! It Even Generates Red-Hot Targeted Prospects At The Same Time Who Ask You How They Can Join Your Network Marketing Business!”


Friday, January 11, 2008

3 Secrets on How to Make Money in Network Marketing

Copyright © Mary Thayer

Is there really a secret on how to make money in network marketing? Before I answer that question let’s review how and why most people join this industry in the first place.

New network marketers sign up to start a network marketing business with sights of family vacations, new cars, and dream homes. Network marketing is the vehicle to bring out their dreams and desires. Dreams that the new networker had tucked away long ago. They had accepted the fact that they were mediocre and would have to accept a mediocre existence. This is really one of the beautiful things about network marketing. It allows people the permission to dream again. Most give up on dreaming right around high school so it is quite a fun experience to let their imagination loose again. Their sponsor assures them that this is the easiest business ever to build. The new networker is assured that once they tell one person that person will beg them to sign up. They will have people knocking at their door to sign up.

After the initial dream honeymoon the reality hits that something must be done to meet this goal. This is where about 95% of network marketers start the failing process. They look to their sponsor to learn how to make money in network marketing. The sponsor directs them to their friends and family. The excited new network marketer goes off to tell everyone they know about XYZ Company. This is when the rejection comes. People start telling the excited marketer these things never work out and they are a scam. This is where the bulk of people drop out of network marketing.

Enough said about the ones that drop out of network marketing. This article is for the network marketers that stick around for the long haul. The secret on how to make money in network marketing is really no secret at all. The secret is you must put in the time and treat your business like any other successful business is treated.

First secret that is critical for your success is proper training. If you needed brain surgery would you go to a brain surgeon or a neighbor that read a book about brain surgery? Of course you would go to the brain surgeon. Why, because he has been trained to be a brain surgeon. This training issue applies to your network marketing business as well. If you want to have a successful business you must get proper training in running a successful network marketing business.

Next secret is you must put in the time. Honestly most part-time jobs are about 15-20 hours per week. If you want to make money in network marketing part-time you must put in some time. At least 15-20 hours of time per week will get your business running. It is important to note that your time must be spent effectively. It does you no good to count time that you are checking emails and making goals as your “work time”. Work time should be treated just like that, work time.

The last secret is that you must endure the trials. Even with good training you will still make mistakes that you learned not to do. You will have uncomfortable moments with new business activities. Persevere and watch how they become more comfortable after time. You will still have bad days, months, or even years. But, if you commit yourself to continuous learning and application you will triumph over any trial. You will achieve the greatness that 99% of people will only ever dream of. If you get anything out of this article know that there is no magic formula. Stick to the basics and you will reach great heights. For more information on how to make money in network marketing, click on the link in the resource box.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Is Marketing MLM with Free Internet Lead Generation Possible?

Copyright © Mary Thayer

Experienced MLM marketers know that leads are vital to keep their business growing. Leads are the life blood of any business. So how the heck can you market MLM with internet lead generation for free?

This concept seems quite foreign to most. Those network marketers that know this internet secret are cashing in big time while generating their own free targeted leads. Sounds like a dream to most of you, right? The concept is being called a funded proposal.

Now I know you are asking, what in the world is a funded proposal? In very simple terms it is a proposal used on the internet to generate hot targeted MLM leads. These leads are generated using a system or formula. This system or formula includes the sale of some product or service. Usually it is educational, internet based or digital in nature. A good funded proposal sells a product that teaches the lead about marketing MLM online!

This sale is used to fund your advertising up front. The money that is generated is used to pay for your leads whether they join your MLM business or not. In essence this funded proposal does two things. It brings in a front end sale to fund your lead generation. Hence your targeted internet MLM leads are generated free. Second it generates super red hot targeted leads that are specific to you. These leads join your business at a much higher rate than any leads bought from “Jack’s lead shack.”

One thing I am sure you are wondering is: Why are these leads so targeted? The leads are targeted through your own marketing efforts. You can target fellow MLM business owners or business opportunities seekers. The sky is the limit for you to find the market that converts best into your primary business.

The funded proposal can also be a great way to train your new recruits in marketing so they can generate their own free internet MLM leads! If you would like to find out more information on marketing MLM with free internet lead generation click on the link in the resource box to find out more.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The REAL Reason you are a Network Marketer... Do You Know???

Happy New Year! It is amazing that it is already 2008. The new year is a
great time to reflect about our decisions of the past. This is a great article
to jog some thoughts about how you are trying to grow your MLM or
Network Marketing business.

"The Dirty Truth About Network Marketing That you Must Know
and Understand If You Ever Want to Succeed

Here it is:

On the surface, network marketing companies appear to be
thriving communities of consuming customers all happy with
the product that they are consuming and they really are, but
what drives that community of thriving consumers has
absolutely nothing to do with the product itself.

Let's think about this statement.

Let me ask you a question:

Why did you decided to get started in a network marketing

You don't have to say anything out loud but answer this
question in your head right now to yourself.

I guarantee you answer is somewhere along these lines "Well,
I started my business because I wanted to make some extra
money and who knows maybe even become financially free."

Am I right?

Well let me ask you another question now.

When you prospect and talk to leads about your business what
do you talk to them about?

Most likely you try to stick to the corporate script which
inevitable ends up with your prospect asking you questions
about your network marketing companies products or services.

And by the end of the conversation you've lost control of
the call and both you and your prospect end up confused
(usually get somewhere between details about your companies
product or service and the compensation plan).

You get of the phone and hope that my some grace of god your
prospect you paid $5 to confuse will decided to join your

Likely story!

Here's why:

Successful Network Marketing has NOTHING to do with selling
your prospect on your product at ALL!

To the contrary, the only thing that you should EVER talk to
your prospect about is the same thing that got you sold on
your companies business . . . More Money and Financial

You see network marketing is built on financial hopes and
dreams and honestly, if you're looking for business builders
to recruit into your organization your prospects hopes and
dreams of financial success are the only thing that you
should speak to them about, so they can sell themselves on

As an illustration of this principle think about the
situation this way, if you had equal amounts of your
company's product in one hand and money in the other which
do you think your prospect would choose?

The top money earners know the answer to that question and
that's how why make all there money!

Here's the other shift in perspective that you're going to
have to make if you want to have ultimate success with your
business and it's simply a logical continuation on the point
just discussed.

What you think of as your company's product is NOT its real
product at ALL!

Do you think your network marketing company's product is its
moon juice or long distance service?

If you do you're very wrong.

Continuing on from my last point, remember your network
marketing business will not grow if you just push product it
will only grow if you sell people on their financial

So if you think about it, your company's real product is
it's sales training and marketing system. The better your
company's marketing system is able to help you generate
sales the better any more quickly you will be able to reap
the financial benefits of your business.

To extend this point further, eventually you'll want your
downline to do all the work so you don't have to.

The simpler and more effective the marketing system plus the
strong the training your company provides the easier your
system will duplicate.

If you want to think about it in its most simple form, your
company's real product is its duplicability.

If you find a system that is easy to duplicate and you can
have your prospect "sell themselves" on their financial
dreams you will have a highly successful network marketing

Your Job is Simple:

Find people that want to attain financial freedom your way
and then shorten their learning curve so that they can go
out and do the same.

You decide your destiny!
Go out and make something happen today!

Mary T