Monday, May 19, 2008

Is Your MLM Business Making You Crazy?

Let me guess you are probably like any of the other masses of people who were sold on MLM because of how easy it is. You were told it was easy to go out and get three people who automatically did the same thing immediately. You liked the idea of having it easy and making tons of cash!

The reality has probably sunk in for you by now that it is not an easy business to build. Your thoughts about this realization are probably on the verge of making you crazy. It does take time, effort, and skills to be successful in MLM just like it does in any business. If you have come to this realization, congratulations, you have made great progress. It means you have kept your head above water for longer than the other 95% who have already dropped out.

The next thing you must master in not going crazy while you are building your MLM business is monitoring what you say to yourself. It is critical that you become aware of your self-talk. How many times have you planned to go out to talk to someone about your products or business and by the time you reach that person you have talked yourself out of it. The truth is you never talked to anyone but in your brain you have already been rejected!

Beware of your thoughts. They can either bring you up or tear you down. The good news is that you do have control of them. Napoleon Hill says it well, "Success comes to those who become success conscious. Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure conscious." Read that sentence over and over until it sinks into your thick skull. Then make it a habit to dwell on your successes no matter how small they may be!

When you were told that building a MLM business was easy you probably felt some comfortable feelings. Do not get used to being comfortable. It is a true indicator that you are making progress if you feel uncomfortable. What! Who wants to be uncomfortable? It is a simple reality that must occur for those who long to change their current situation. When you are comfortable you are not changing. If you are not changing you are not moving toward your destination. You are most likely moving further away.

Do not let yourself be controlled by fear of being uncomfortable!

Now you know that much of building a MLM business is learning how to control your mental thoughts. Remember that anything worth having takes a massive amount of energy. If you are married or have children you know what I am talking about. Get control of your mental game and be committed to continuous learning and you will watch your business grow beyond your wildest dreams!

Mary Thayer is passionate about network marketing and helping others learn about it. Find out how you can join this growing team of successful home entrepreneurs!


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Work From Home MLM Business

Today many people are looking for a work from home MLM business. It is a popular trend today as many people are sick and tired of the rat race. They are looking for a way out of their J.O.B. status (just over broke). Others are simply being forced to look for something else because of corporate downsizing and jobs being sent to other countries.

When people want to work from home in a MLM business most can only afford to do it part-time while they still work at their job. That is truly one of the greatest benefits of MLM. You can start only part-time and do most of your work from home.

The internet has become a great tool to help people do more work from home. It is important to remember that the internet is only a tool. The MLM business is about building relationships. The internet can make the relationship building process easier through blogs, email and auto-responders. But the truth is people still like real contact. This contact can be via the phone, snail mail, or meeting in person. Keep this in mind when using the internet and you will build stronger relationships faster. This will result in faster growth for your business.

The choices for a work from home MLM business are endless. There are many products available that you can do home parties or demonstrations. In these types of businesses you have to go out to put on the party but most of the work can be done from the comfort of your own home.

Many MLM companies are products that are consumable or that you use regularly around the house. With this type of business most of the time you will get customers that will get a monthly order. As long as they love the products and you keep in touch they will provide you business month after month.

The key to any MLM is to find team members who want to build a business as well. This is where the incredible leverage opportunity of this business model gets exciting. Do not be fooled customers are very important to your business but you want to continuously be building relationships with potential business builders. It is when you have a team of business builders that financial freedom and time freedom become a reality.

It is important to remember that your business will produce what you put into it. A real challenge to working at home is to stay on track or keeping to your schedule. This is critical in any field. Most of the time we have a boss, teacher, or supervisor that makes sure we get all our duties done. You do not have that at home. It is very important to get an accountability partner that will help you stay on task.

It is very exciting to be able to work from home in a MLM business. It is a dream that many people have but few are willing to pay the price to experience. Make the choice today that you will live the life of your dreams without the stress of a boss or commute!

Mary Thayer is passionate about network marketing and helping others learn about it. Find out how you can join her growing team of successful home entrepreneurs!


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Are You Taking Baby Steps?

Interesting title as my third child is due to be born in about six weeks. It is amazing how fast time is flying!

Why am I talking about baby steps? It is important that you take a baby step in your MLM business each day in the right direction. You may not notice much difference in a week or even a month but you will be surprised at what it will look like in a year in your business.

We all know the story of the tortoise and the hare. The hare appeared to be much faster but in the end who won?

It is important to focus on all your victories and use them as motivation to keep you moving forward!

Live Great!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Does the future of ML.M depend on Internet Marketing?

{Below is an excellent article I wanted to share by an industry leader.
It sheds great light on internet marketing and MLM.
The internet is a powerful tool but it is only a tool! Enjoy the article!}

It seems like everywhere you are looking for training on network
marketing, people are talking about how the traditional ways doesn't
work anymore and the internet is the only way.
You will hear about how they generate leads through
and etc

But does it really work for network marketers or is it just hype to
get you to buy their training programs? The answer is YES and NO.

Internet marketing works really effectively, but ONLY for a specific
purpose and it's not the silver bullet many make it up to be.
In fact in many cases internet network marketing is hurting the long
term reputation of our great industry.

It seems like nobody has realized it, but network marketing is not
just about making sales and doing signups. What it really is about
is building teams and leading them to take action. It's also about
helping people develop themselves and becoming more. And it's about
creating a community and a sense of family and belonging to a cause
bigger than an individual.

When you can do this people will stick, stay and duplicate. If you
can't do it, people will drop out as soon as the first challenges
come around or they get bored because they don't get results as fast
or as easy as they thought.

If you don't have the skill of relating to people, connecting,
prospecting, presenting and leading, it doesn't really matter how
many people you can sign up over the internet or anywhere else.
They are going to drop out.

I've met someone who personally signed up 500 people and still
didn't have more than 200 active people.
FIVE HUNDRED Personally enrolled !!!!!!!!
That means that there was absolutely NO duplication.

Duplication is ultimately what it's all about in network marketing.
If you don't have duplication your growth will soon slow down and
stop. IF you know how to duplicate, you don't need to sign up a
bunch of people to succeed. I signed up just 8 people that grew to
over 1000. Then I signed up another 10 and my organization grew to

I've met a person that built a downline of 30,000 people without
having a computer. So in my experience the most important skills
to master are: connecting, building trust and leading.

IF however you DO have those skills, the internet is an amazing way
to generate leads. In fact as we speak I'm developing and testing
the next generation system for how to generate tons of f.ree and
cheap leads over the internet.

So the answer to the question posed in the title is:
No the future of M.LM does NOT depend on internet marketing.
You will always be able to build a huge business in the real world,
if you have great human skills.

However if do have the necessary human skills, internet marketing
can definitely speed up the process of finding qualified people,
and there is no doubt that it will play a more and more significant
role in the future.

Stay tuned for more tips about how to specifically use social media
sites like and other internet marketing strategies to
generate tons of qualified leads.

Until then - happy teambuilding and have a glorious weekend

Patrick M. Powers

PS : Only 17 spots left at my new training program
. Hurry over to reserve your spot
before it's gone.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

How to Avoid This MLM Prospecting Hazard to Achieve Massive Success

It is true that there are many prospecting hazards that MLM business owners make. There is one hazard though, that can literally keep you from achieving the success you want. It is based on the premise that no one wants to be sold. Everyone wants to make their own decision.

So what is this MLM prospecting hazard you want to steer clear of?

Telling is not selling! The hazard is not asking your prospects enough questions! If you are spending all of your time telling, you are not going to get anywhere. People get bored listening to you. They will clam up and reject you before you get to the third reason why your opportunity is the best thing since blue jeans!

The key to prospecting is asking questions. The person asking questions is the person in control. If you do not ask your prospect questions, how are you supposed to know what is important to them. You are also potentially wasting your time. If you do not ask your prospect what they are looking for, how can you know they are looking for what you have?

It is a natural tendency for people to resist statements. But, if you ask them the right questions they will discover and believe the benefits themselves! This is when they start selling themselves. It takes the entire responsibility off your hands. You also create and build tons of credibility when you ask the right questions.

An important aspect of asking questions is to ask them from the right attitude. If you come from a place of truly wanting to help this person you will be able to come up with great questions and your prospect will also feel your sincerity. When you meet someone who is genuine and concerned about your wants and needs, do you feel attracted to them? That is exactly how your prospects will feel about you when you ask the right questions!

It is so important to ask your prospect really good questions that you should commit to becoming a lifetime student of questions! A good tip to start learning how is to pay attention to what questions a really good salesperson asks you. Be aware of how it makes you feel and how you could possibly use it in your own MLM business. If you would like to learn more about prospecting check out the link in the resource box for more information.

Copyright © Mary Thayer

Mary Thayer is passionate about internet network marketing and helping others learn about it. Find out how to join the fastest growing team of successful home entrepreneurs on the net -

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Are You Failing In MLM Enough?

This might sound funny to you but it is a good indicator of why you are having success or why you are not. This past weekend I was fortunate enough to see Robert Kiyosaki speak live at my Primary Business Convention. He was an incredible speaker and it was very exciting to listen to him!

He told his story about being a salesman early in his career. He was struggling to stay afloat and could not figure out how to change that. His rich dad told him he had to increase his failure rate. Understandably Robert was quite surprised by this statement. "What do you mean?" He then went on to explain if you are not failing fast enough you are not learning and you are not talking to enough people!

If you want to have more success in your MLM business...... Get to failing faster. Talk to more people who tell you no. The law of averages will start kicking in and eventually you will get better and better.

How many times are you planning to fail today? (Or how many people are you going to approach about your business today)

If you are stuck in a rut, do something today that will make you uncomfortable. You will learn from it and it will make you a better person!

Mark Yarnell hits the nail on the head with this quote:

"The only locked doors you'll ever find once you've joined network marketing are those within your own mind." -Mark Yarnell

Take action today!

Mary T

Monday, March 24, 2008

Internet Network Marketing - Is the Internet Sabotaging Your Network Marketing Business?

The internet is full of network marketing business opportunities, how to e-books and courses. In fact it is bursting at the seams! If you are not careful you can become trapped in a funnel of really good sales letters and find yourself doing a lot of buying. In this buying spree usually there is little learning and implementing taking place.

Every new sales letter gives you hope that this is the tool that you really need to grow your network marketing business opportunity. You buy a product, get frustrated about the lack of quality and then pretty soon you are sucked into another sales page. It becomes a very bad cycle. Your spouse threatens you and you promise this is the thing that is going to get you to your wildest dreams.

This is not really what you imagined growing you network marketing business opportunity on the internet would be like. It is supposed to be full of new prospects running to you with their credit card in hand asking, how can I be part of what you do? You really start to feel a little scammed.

This is when you have to STOP. Take some time away from the internet and get a piece of paper. Write down your goals, your WHY, and the reason you are in network marketing. Take some time to reflect on this. It will re-direct you to focus. If you do not focus you will not accomplish anything. It is important to understand that you must focus on one course until you are successful. Then you can repeat the process. But, you must first be successful in one area first.

When you are lost on the internet it becomes easy to forget it is only a tool. You are still the captain of your network marketing ship. The tasks to learn on the internet are really easy compared to other things you have accomplished in life. It is important to make a commitment to learning and implementing one new thing everyday. If you get in this cycle your mindset is in the constant mode of growth.

After you find your focus it is time to enter the internet again. Remember you have value to offer. It does not matter if you have not made millions of dollars like the so called guru's that are constantly marketing to you. When you realize you have value to offer you will become your best business asset!

Next, seek out a successful mentor who has gone through the trenches before. It may be hard to find one to communicate with personally but get on many lists and find someone who you connect with. Once they have earned your trust see what their product is about. You will most likely be impressed by how much value they offer.

The amount of information that is available free through newsletters is incredible. When you are able to learn from free resources you have met a milestone. You have entered the learning mode. You do not have to buy something to learn and implement something of value in your network marketing business.

The most important part of this mode though is the implementation stage. Keep in mind that even with a kick butt guide you will still make mistakes. That is a part of life and you can choose to learn from it and grow or let it tear you down. Never forget that 99% of life is attitude. That is one thing you do have control of!

The internet is an incredible place to build a network marketing business. If you persevere you will be ahead of over 90% of the population. Keep up the learning and implementing and your business will grow faster than you could ever dream of.

If you would like more internet network marketing strategies check out the link in the resource box for more information.

Copyright © Mary Thayer

"Learn More About A MLM Technique That Will Generate Cash For Your Business Even If Nobody Joins Your Company! It Even Generates Red-Hot Targeted Prospects At The Same Time, Who Ask YOU How They Can Join YOUR Network Marketing Business!

Visit to learn more.

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